Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, First off it started so well clearing up loose ends that season seven left. a lot less Drama then there use to be sort of, the Lanarama is almost over and done with don't get me wrong i love the character it was just well for seven years the story of Clark Kent seemed to revolve around the character a bit much, having her back on the last four episodes during these January sweeps might actually help Clark finally get closure, and help Clark to move on. We are starting to see Lois and Clark get a little juicy here finally we've been waiting for this for 5 years now. This season had introduced so many new characters for one a new villain DOOMSDAY which doesn't excite me much, Because DOOMSDAY is the only villain that actually killed Superman in the comics so I'm worried here, but it could mean that there will be a cliffhanger this ending of the season which might me a season 9 (fingers are crossed). I want to see Clark Kent finally fly this year i am tired of the whole (no flight thing) it's time he learned, in the comics he learned to fly while in High School (why not now?). and they need to put Erica Durance (Lois Lane) in more episodes, seriously!! anyways I love love SMALLVILLE i don't watch anything else much anymore just this show i watch on DVD every night and new episodes on THURSDAY NIGHTS on the CW channel. please watch!!!!!!!

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